
Note - This option is only available from Vision 3 Appointments.

You can create a worklist of patients to work on from an appointment session, to use the Appointments lists:

  1. From Apps Controller - Worklists - Appointments , select Select Session(s) .
  2. The Select Appointments screen displays:

  3. Select the drop-down at the top of the screen to choose a date from the calendar. All the sessions for the day selected display in the top panel.
  4. Highlight the session required to display the list of patients booked for that session in the bottom panel.
  5. Choose Select to add this patient list to the Worklists panel and close the Select Appointment screen:

  6. To select a patient, double-click on the patient in the list (once the patient is selected, they are removed from the list).
Note - When selecting a patient, an open app automatically changes context to the newly selected patient.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.